Monday 6 August 2012

And we are off!

The Cannon-to-Cape started this morning on a very high note. The group gathered at around 05:30 where we had a warm send off by family, friends and colleagues - which we appreciated a lot.  It is a good feeling knowing that you are going on the road with a support base at home, cheering you on and believing in you.  We would like to thank you for that.

At exactly 06:00 the whistle was blown and the tour was on its way!  This according to me, is a record on its own, as some of the tour members are not so - can I call it - aware of the time sometimes.  Respect to them.  However, the tour did NOT start without complications, we had a broken chain before we even started, which was fixed in no time.

Just after the first bridge (2km into the tour), we had another chain incident.  The problem with having trouble so early in the morning is obviously  the visibility of the cyclist, however this was also handled in the most professional manner and we were on our way again.

Currently, the cyclists are about 10km out of Keimoes and looking very strong, very excited to have passed the first town.

It is cold, however that is perfect weather for cycling, we are thankful for that.

I will update again after arriving safely at our first stop: Kenhardt.


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