Monday 30 July 2012

One week to Cannon-to-Cape

Pipe Dream: “A plan, desire, or idea that will not likely work; a near impossibility.”

Yes, it is a reality, a week from now 18 cyclists, 18 bicycles, a few spare parts, 7 crew members, 5 vehicles and 2 trailers will be on the road from Kanoneiland to Lourensford in order to raise funds for CANSA.  6 months ago the tour, now known as the Cannon-to-Cape was an idea, a dream, a number 20 on the bucket list, a mere PIPE DREAM. Due to hard work, commitment, planning and amazing sponsors this particular pipe dream is now a reality...and it is approaching so rapidly our heads are spinning.

Yesterday, we came together for a “trial pack”:  This is how hard we worked:

Yes, planning take a lot of time and energy...yesterday, a week from the final pack for the tour, everything was in place, spirits were high and everyone seemed ready for the challenge of their lives. 

The past 12 weeks, resting was a luxury, now the cyclists are resting, preparing themselves mentally for the tour.  They really have done everything in their power, to have the capability to successfully complete the tour, now all they can do is hand it over to our Maker, and believe that this tour will truly be blessed and that everyone will arrive safely at Lourensford.

In the words of one of the group members: “We are doing this for people who, due to their circumstances, are not able to do certain things.  We are doing this to provide hope. More importantly, we are doing this for children living with cancer.  Therefore, when the going gets tough, hold on to the fact that we are doing this for a cause far greater than our individual pride or insecurities. We are a wonderful group of friends, and after this tour we should be closer then ever”.

Next week, while on tour, we will be updating the blog daily.  In the meantime, please keep the tour & the tour members in your prayers.


FNB Sponsor:
We would like to thank FNB for the tour bags, jackets, and other goods sponsored by them. 
The bags truly give a sense of belonging to the team, the gesture and support is truly appreciated by every member of the group.

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